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Animating Silverlight control inside the HTML Page

Live demo




A Silverlight control can communicate and interact with other HTML elements of the page on which it is placed.

This is done by using the HtmlPage object (namespace System.Windows.Browser)


By using HtmlPage, you can have access to all HTML elements of the current page and be able to get and set many of their properties and attributes, and, accessorily, call DHTML script functions that may be located there.

This means, among other things, that you can get and set style attributes of the HTML element inside which your own Silverlight control is hosted (the DIV element having the id commonly named "silverlightControlHost")


<div id="silverlightControlHost"



This gave me an idea about creating a custom control which would represent this same hosting html DIV element and, through this custom control, interact with the hosting element properties (width, height, location… etc.)

One of the nice features of Silverlight is the Storyboard animations usually used to animate Silverlight controls.

So, what if we try to use a storyboard to animate the Silverlight hosting html element!


Suppose that our animation should move the html host element across the page. From an html viewpoint, this would mean to change its top/left coordinates.

A Silverlight user control doesn’t contain Top / Left properties required to do such a job. So we have to add those properties to our custom control.


I first created an (empty) custom user control:



<UserControl x:Class="SilverHtmlInteraction.HostingDivControl"





    Width="200" Height="200">

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">





The control members:


private HtmlElement m_div        = null;


public HtmlElement Div


       get { return m_div; }

       set { m_div = value; }



The new Left and Top properties


public double Left


       get { return attrib = GetDimension("left", "offsetLeft", 0.0); }

       set { SetDimentionAttribute("left", value); }


public double Top


       get { return attrib = GetDimension("top", "offsetTop", 0.0); }

       set { SetDimentionAttribute("top", value); }




How to obtain html element dimensions (width, height, left, top... etc.)


// get the html element’s dimension (example: width, height, left...)

// first try to find the dimension in the element’s style (width, height, left, top...)

// if not found, try to obtain the element’s dimension property (offsetWidth, offsetHeight...)

private double GetDimension(string attrib_name, string property_name, double default_value)


       double attrib = GetDimensionAttribute(attrib_name, default_value);


       // if the style attribute is not present, try to get the dimension property

       if (attrib <= 0.0)

             return GetDimensionProperty( property_name, default_value);

       return attrib;



// get the html element’s style attribute (example: width, height, left...)

protected double GetDimensionAttribute(string attrib_name, double default_value)


       if (m_div == null)



             return default_value;



       // try to get the style attribute’s value

       string str_value = m_div.GetStyleAttribute(attrib_name);


       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_value))


             return default_value;


       // remove the dimension's unit (px)

       str_value = str_value.Replace("px", "");


       double value = default_value;


       // try to convert to numeric value

       if (double.TryParse(str_value, out value) == false)

             return default_value;

       return value;



// get the html element’s dimension property (example: offsetHeight, offsetWidth...)

protected double GetDimensionProperty(string property_name, double default_value)


       if( m_div == null)



             return default_value;



       string str_value    = m_div.GetProperty( property_name).ToString();


       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_value))


             return default_value;


       double value = default_value;


       // try to convert to numeric value

       if (double.TryParse(str_value, out value) == false)

             return default_value;


       return value;



I then registered the new Left and Top properties with the dependency system:


public static DependencyProperty LeftProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(

                    "Left", typeof(double), typeof(HostingDivControl),

                    new PropertyMetadata(

                           new PropertyChangedCallback(LeftPropertyChanged) ));


public static DependencyProperty TopProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(

                    "Top", typeof(double), typeof(HostingDivControl),

                    new PropertyMetadata(

                           new PropertyChangedCallback(TopPropertyChanged)));


private static void LeftPropertyChanged(DependencyObject obj,

                           DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)


       if (obj == null)


       if (obj is HostingDivControl != true)



       HostingDivControl ctrl = (HostingDivControl)obj;


       ctrl.Left    = (double)e.NewValue;




private static void TopPropertyChanged(DependencyObject obj,

                           DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)


       if( obj == null)


       if( obj is HostingDivControl !=true)



       HostingDivControl   ctrl   = (HostingDivControl) obj;


       ctrl.Top     = (double) e.NewValue;




The html element accessor should do some work each time this member is changed:


public HtmlElement Div


       get { return m_div; }



             m_div = value;


             if (m_div != null)


                    base.Width   = this.Width;

                    base.Height  = this.Height;

                    Left         = GetDimension("left", "offsetLeft", 0.0);

                    Top          = GetDimension("top", "offsetTop", 0.0);


                    // to be able to change the left and top propertites,

                    // the html element should have its position style set

                    // to relative or absolute.

                    If (string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_div.GetStyleAttribute("position")))

                           m_div.SetStyleAttribute("position", "relative");



                    m_div_id = "";





We are now ready to use our new custom control to animate the Silverlight control inside its hosting html page.


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent">

       <local:HostingDivControl x:Name="host_div" Margin="0"/>


The animation Storyboard

Let’s create a storyboard that changes the top/left properties of our control (which is the silver light control itself)

Note: I couldn’t use Expression Blend to create the storyboard. Blend seemed confused about the properties to be animated for this ‘special’ control. So I ended up by creating the storyboard by hand!



       <Storyboard x:Name="Storyboard1">

             <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00"

             Storyboard.TargetName="host_div" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Top)">

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00" Value="0"/>

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.50" Value="50"/>

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.80" Value="85"/>

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.00" Value="130"/>



             <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00"

             Storyboard.TargetName="host_div" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Left)">

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00" Value="0"/>

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.50" Value="100"/>

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.80" Value="225"/>

                    <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.00" Value="350"/>









Live demo


Download the sample code

AnimatedSilverHtmlHost.zip (83.45 kb)


Revealing object properties

System Attributes can be used to simply tag and retrieve object properties and methods in particular context.

In my case here, I wanted to be able to know which properties are contained in objects in order to be able to dynamically assign or change their values using simple text entries in a database.


I created an (empty) Attribute and named it xSysPropertyAttribute:




             Inherited = false,

             AllowMultiple = true)]

public sealed class xSysPropertyAttribute : Attribute


       public xSysPropertyAttribute()





I then used this attribute to ‘tag’ the desired objects’ properties:



public bool BoolProperty


       get { return m_bool_property; }

       set { m_bool_property = value; }




public string StringProperty


       get { return m_string_property; }

       set { m_string_property = value; }



Using System.Reflection, I, now, can retrieve these properties and dynamically list them:


foreach (PropertyInfo p in obj.GetType().GetProperties())


       bool   has_sys_attribute   = Attribute.IsDefined( p, typeof(xSysProperty), false);




             // Do something with this property




We can use this simple code to dynamically build lists of object’s (tagged) properties.

Once the list of the desired properties has been built, we can now read and modify their values (using user input, xml, text files or database records):


Example of Read the property’s value:


public object GetValue(MyObject obj, string property_name)


       if( obj == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty( property_name))

             return null;


       PropertyInfo pinfo  = this[property_name];


       if( pinfo == null)

             return null;

       return pinfo.GetValue(obj, null);



Example of Set the property’s value:


public bool SetValue(MyObject obj, string property_name, object value)


       if( obj == null)

             return false;


       PropertyInfo pinfo  = this[property_name];


       if(pinfo == null)

             return false;


       // is this a readonly property?

       if(pinfo.CanWrite == false)

             return false;


       // get the property's data type

       Type   property_type = pinfo.PropertyType;

       object new_value;




             // try to convert the given value to property's data type

             new_value    = Convert.ChangeType( value, property_type);


       catch (Exception)


             return false;





             // try to assign the converted value to the object

             pinfo.SetValue( obj, new_value, null);


       catch (Exception)


             return false;



       return true;



Still we have another problem: we need a solid link between listed properties and the objects on which we may get and set properties’ values. i.e. we need to be sure that a property is actually part of the target object without having to check this each time a get or set is requested.

Here comes one the benefits of template classes.

We can implement our pattern using a template list like the following:


public class xBuiltinPropertiesListBase<PROPERTY, OBJ_TYPE, PROPERTY_SYS_ATTRIB>

             : List<PROPERTY> where PROPERTY : PropertyInfo


The code above defines a list template that will contain objects of type PROPERTY and that type should be a PropertyInfo (or one derived class)

It also defines that for the list to be initialized, a class (System.Type) OBJ_TYPE and a System Attribute PROPERTY_SYS_ATTRIB should be provided.


This way, our list explicitly integrates the Type on which it will operate.

Providing the System Attribute may also allow extending the list template for future use in other contexts.


On list initialization, the template will proceed to listing all properties with the attribute PROPERTY_SYS_ATTRIB defined within the class of OBJ_TYPE:


public bool LoadClassAttributeProperties()




       Type   obj_type     = typeof(OBJ_TYPE);


       // loop through all class's properties.

       // insert those properties defined with the specified System.Attribute.

       foreach (PropertyInfo p in obj_type.GetProperties())


             // Does this property define our System.Attribute?. add it to the list.

             bool   has_sys_attribute = Attribute.IsDefined( p,

                                        typeof( PROPERTY_SYS_ATTRIB), false);




                    PROPERTY     new_property = (PROPERTY)p;





       return true;




The above GetValue and SetValue methods will also have to be slightly modified before being integrated in the list template. Example:


public bool SetValue(OBJ_TYPE obj, string property_name, object value)


       if( obj == null)

             return false;


       PROPERTY     my_property  = this[property_name];


       if( my_property == null)

             return false;


       // is this a readonly property?

       if( my_property.CanWrite == false)

             return false;


       // get the property's data type

       Type   property_type = my_property.PropertyType;

       object new_value;





Download the sample code ExtensibleObjectProperties.zip (46.35 kb)



Invoking methods by name. A first approach

As many developers know, one of the interesting namespaces in .NET is System.Reflection.

Here I try to use Reflection to invoke loaded assemblies’ methods by their names. This can be quite useful for applications like storing menu or button actions in a database and bringing them to life during runtime (I will post something about this subject shortly).

The attached test application demonstrates this in a very simple manner. Each dialog button invokes a method defined somewhere in the loaded assembly using its name. The search is done by few methods in MethodFinder static class.


The dialog displays 3 buttons. The OnClick handler for each button invokes a method by its name:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)





private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)





The invoke_method function, calls a method finder to retrieve the method and, if found, invokes it:


private void invoke_method(string method_name)


       MethodInfo          method       = MethodFinder.FindMethod(method_name);

       string              str_result   = "";


       if (method != null)


             str_result = method.Invoke(this, null).ToString();




             MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find method in loaded assemblies");



What you should know

You probably know that a .NET assembly is composed of modules (generally just one module), each module is composed of classes (Types) and each class is composed of fields, properties and methods.

The MethodFinder.FindMethod function loops through runtime loaded assemblies, modules and classes to search for the method and return the found method if any.


FindMethod function:

public static MethodInfo FindMethod( string method_name)


       foreach (Assembly asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())


             method = FindAssemblyMethod( asm, method_name);

             if( method != null)

                    return method;


       return null;



FindAssemblyMethod function loops through assembly’s classes:

public static MethodInfo FindAssemblyMethod(Assembly asm, string method_name)


       MethodInfo   method;


       foreach (Module module in asm.GetModules())


             method = FindModuleMethod( module, method_name);

             if( method != null)

                    return method;


       return null;



As you have already guessed, FindModuleMethod function loops through module’s classes to search the method:

public static MethodInfo FindModuleMethod(Module module, string method_name)


       Type[]       module_types;

       MethodInfo   method;


       module_types = module.GetTypes();


       foreach (Type module_class in module_types)


             method = FindClassMethod( module_class, method_name);

             if( method != null)

                    return method;



       return null;



Finally FindClassMethod searches for the method inside the class’s available methods:

public static MethodInfo FindClassMethod( Type module_class, string method_name)


       MethodInfo[] methods;


       methods = module_class.GetMethods();

       foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)


             if( string.Compare( method.Name, method_name, true) == 0)

                    return method;



       return null;



This is a first approach that I believe that many useful applications can be built on.

I will expose some ideas on the subject in a next post.


Download the sample code (with some more details inside) InvokeMethodByName.zip (30.31 kb)


Revisiting the Database design foundations

Software is about defining objects structures, relationships and behavioral contour. This is probably a too short sentence to define what software is. But it can be a good commencement for what I would like to expose here.

Years passed for the software industry to mature and be able to express the complexity of this task. And, it seems that there still will be some more years to come for this maturity to gain some sort of stability and normalization.

Remember the lessons about the ‘Date object’ which would never display a ‘February 30’ day. Although that seems so far away, we still encounter things of the same kind (remember, for example, the ‘page 1 of 0’ syndrome!). Those are simple indications about how complex it can be to mimic the ‘real world’ system, its large span of objects, relationships and behaviors.


One of the early, and interesting, questions that the Software had to solve was: data storage.

Historically speaking, we can summarize the maturity of the provided solution into three stages:

§ The folder/file structure

§ The data table

§ The ‘relational’ database


The ‘data table’ solution seems particularly interesting:

If you have a look at a data table (even within any of the most elaborate of today’s database engines) you can easily state how the simplicity of the structure looks embarrassing:

§ A meta-data space which describes the table’s columns.

§ And, a storage space where the columns’ data is stored into rows.





Basically, the column definition describes its data type and storage size. This allows the storage system to organize the data rows according to theses definitions.


Of course, with the time going, so many other attributes and artifacts had been added to the data table solution. Column definitions, for example, got more elaborate (ex: default value, auto-increment, indexes, data validation constraints… etc.), Columns’ relationships (foreign keys…), Operations like row insertions, row deletions or row updates can be triggered by procedures that execute particular ‘business’ logic… etc. But the foundations of the solution remain strictly the same as the early reflection and design…

One of the reasons of this design success seems to be the readability of the solution.


Anyway, the fact is, today, nearly no one single software solution can live without a database! And that itself is a profound demonstration of the efficiency of the initial design.


The Software ‘Code / Database’ schism!

Strangely, databases still live almost apart from the software development cycle. When you talk software, you seem to be supposed talking about classes, inheritance, behaviors, user interface… etc. and databases almost seem so simplistic compared to this ‘alive’ jungle!

The reasons for this schism seem to be cultural and social (within the development community) more than being a verdict against the database solution efficiency.


Industrially speaking, this schism seems often to be one of the most common explanations of software projects failures. It is also, probably, one of the profound reasons for some of the software industry’s inefficiencies.


What I think is that databases efficiency can be beneficially used for leveraging software objects properties and behaviors. And that database organization and readability bring interesting applications and solutions for controlling objects behaviors in order to create more versatile and scalable software solutions.

At a very simple level, think about application configuration files (which are great solutions but can sometimes hardly be altered without producing inconsistencies).

Think about a truly structured configuration file, one that guaranties no typing errors, no inconsistencies according to application’s specific logic.

This can be, relatively easily, achieved using a Database!


Database-stored menus… extending and redirecting actions

Let’s go a step forward and use the database to store, for instance, application menus.

A menu is basically a displayed text that, when clicked, invokes an application’s functionality.

By storing menus in the database, we may be wishing to expose only some of our application’s functionalities (according to specific application version for example). We may also be wishing to let our customer’s IT team to expose different functionalities to user groups according to a predefined business role hierarchy.

We can also use this structure to localize our application menus without having to recompile specific localized versions.

Another advantage: to be able to add a new menu after a new functionality is added to the software, or remove one that no more exist etc.


Menus are good examples for the ‘action’ concept. In fact, clicking a menu, a button or other button-like item in the user interface, results in invoking an action in the software. The action to be invoked has an entry point (a function) which is, normally, part of the handled object’s code.


Thanks to .NET System.Reflection (or any Reflection-like library) we can retrieve a method by its name. This can allow us to store object’s method names in the database, and, in the action properties, tell the software which method to be called. The software can then search the defined method, and, if found, invokes it when the action is activated.


Of course there are some other considerations to be taken into account: invoked function parameters, return value... etc. But the main concept remains correct and feasible.


Database-based solutions advantages?

Well, just to name a few:

§  Runtime object properties modification: Imagine a (dynamic) ‘web page section’ object which is initially created as 600/800 pixels dimensions. A database-based solution can allow the user to easily change these properties to obtain, say, a 1027/800 pixels object on runtime… without having to recompile the application’s code;

§  Runtime object properties extension: Software (compiled) objects’ structures NEVER satisfy at 100% real world structures or requirements (at least during a reasonable period of time). With a database-based solution, using, for example, an EAV (Entity Attribute Value) implementation, you can envisage extending compiled software objects… without having to recompile the application’s code;

§  Action processing redirection: Imagine a software functionality that may require authentication only in some contexts and none in other contexts, depending on the customer’s environment. Thanks to database readability and simplicity, the customer can easily choose which entry point to assign to the action according to his or her environment (without having to recompile the software code)

