Taoffi's blog

prisonniers du temps

doc5ync–Trie database integration process

I continue here the excursion around using the Trie pattern and structures to index e-book words for the doc5ync project.

If you missed the beginning of the story, you can find it Here, Here and Here

The role of the client integration tool (a WPF app) is to pull e-books information to be indexed from the database, proceed to indexing the words and creating the links between each word and its related e-book. This is done using some settings: the language to index, the minimum number of chars to consider a sequence as a ‘word’… etc.


The integration process flow is quite simple:

  • Once we are happy with the obtained results, we use the tool to push the trie to the database in a staging table.
  • A database stored procedure can then extract the staging data into the tables used for presenting the index on the project web page.


The staging table has a few fields:

  • The word string
  • The related e-book ID (relationship => docs table (e-books))
  • The number of occurrences of the word
  • The timestamp of the last insertion

The only difficulty encountered was the number of records (often tens of thousands) to push to the staging table. The (artisanal!) solution was to concatenated values of  blocks of records to be inserted (I.e.:  ‘insert into table(field1, field2, …) values ( v1, v2, …), (v3, v4, …), …’ etc.). Sending 150 records per command seemed to be a sustainable choice.

The staging table data is to be dispatched into two production tables:

  • doc5_trie_words:
    • word ID
    • language ID
    • word string
    • word’s number of occurrences
    • comments


  • doc5_trie_word_docs:
    • word ID (relationship => the above table)
    • e-book ID (relationship => docs (e-books) table)


Once the data is in the staging table, the work of the stored procedure is quite straightforward:

  • Delete the current words table (which cascade deletes the words / docs reference records)
  • Import the staging word (strings and occurrences) records into doc5_trie_words
  • Import the related word / doc IDs into doc5_trie_word_docs.

Many words are common between languages and e-books. Therefore assigning a language to a word has no sense unless all its related documents are from one specific language. That is the additional and final task of the stored proc.

Next step: the index web page presentation!

That will be the subject of the next post!

TFS & SQL Server 2008R2 msxmlsql issues

I recently went through another new issue with TFS:

I had the TFS database and Data warehouse both installed on a SQL Server 2008 instance.

After installing a new SQL Server 2008R2 instance, TFS just stopped working complaining about database access.

It took me a while to re-discover that the source of annoyance was – again - the msxmlsql.dll and msxmlsql.rll files located at:

\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared


\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\Resources\1033



For some reason (seems useless to spend time searching J) the versions to use are with TFS are:

msxmlsql.dll (1,311,256 bytes); 07/10/2008; file version: 2007.100.1600.22

msxmlsql.rll (52 248 bytes); 07/10/2008


The files that caused my problem:

msxmlsql.dll (1 308 000 bytes bytes); 04/03/2010; file version: 2009.100.1600.1

msxmlsql.rll (48 992 bytes); 04/03/2010





SQL Replication: Windows Sync Manager and orphaned subscriptions

It is quite useful and handy to synchronize SQL replicated databases through the Windows Synchronization Manager. You simply click the Sync Manager / Click Microsoft SQL Server / Right-click the desired subscription to synchronize and click Sync. Easy and great!


Annoying problems appear in some particular cases. I encountered one of these cases when I had an orphaned subscription (i.e. a subscription that doesn't have any more a declared publication). This may happen when, for instance, the publisher server doesn't exist anymore… or when the publication had been deleted in some circumstances.

The annoyance is that in this case, Windows Sync Manager continues to display the orphaned subscription and you have no means to delete it as this requires contacting the publisher which may not exist anymore and/or deleting the subscription from a publication which may not exist either!.

At this phase, you indeed have little choices… the most reasonable would be to leave this orphaned subscription displayed and simply ignore it (though a little frustratingJ)… That was what I did until I found some time to dig through (little information, if any, is available on this):


I ended up by finding that Windows Synchronization Manager reads the list of its displayed subscriptions in the registry key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.INSTANCE\Replication\Subscriptions

(MSSQL10.INSTANCE is the SQL version and instance of the subscriber server… which, in the figure below, is MSSQL10.SQL2008).

The subscriptions node contains one key per subscription with required synchronization settings.


I simply deleted the key related to the orphaned subscription. To avoid Windows mysteries, I also restarted the machineJ. That now works as I would like. (Craftsmanship again!)

Another TFS pause: moving your stuff

As I already said (I should not be the only one to sayJ): TFS is a precious tool for project management. The problem with TFS is the tedious processes to install and troubleshoot specific issues.

This has greatly been changed in TFS 2010 to become much less tedious (thanks to the TFS team and to Brian Harry for all the useful information) but IT IS, still, quite tedious!

For instance: One of the usual tasks we do from time in the real world is to move our stuff from somewhere to somewhere else!

Don't expect this to be as easy as you may think in TFSJ


The context

Let's say we have a whole TFS installation somewhere (configuration / collections databases… etc.) and we want (or need) to move everything to another machine.

At a first glance, that should be straightforward:

  • Install TFS (and SQL server) on the new machine;
  • Attach (or restore) TFS databases to the new machine;
  • Tell the new TFS where to find the databases;
  • Done!


Yes, it is a good path… but somewhat tortuous!


The recipe

On the new machine:

SQL configuration and settings

  • Install SQL Server (2008 or 2008R2). Note the following elementary observations:
    • During installation, you should select a CI AS (case insensitive / accent sensitive) collation (either Windows or SQL);
    • Prefer a 'default instance' installation
  • Attach (or restore) all TFS databases (configuration database, collections and datawarehouse databases.
  • Install latest SQL server updates and Service Packs.


TFS configuration and settings

  • Install TFS
  • DON'T click Configure at the end of the install process
  • Launch TFS admin console
    • Click Application Tier node
    • Click Configure Installed Features
    • Select the 'Application-Tier only' Wizard
    • Click List Available Databases.
      • This will display detected TFS configuration databases on the SQL server. If none is detected, then you have to go back to SQL configuration and see what is missing
    • Select the configuration database
    • Select the account service
    • Check and correct errors and warnings. You may need to go back to SQL configuration steps.
    • Click Configure


Problems encountered?

If you encounter problems (this is often the case with TFSJ), you may need to uninstall and restart the Application-Tier configuration:

  • Open a command prompt (Run As Administrator)
  • Go to TFS tools directory (%program files%\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Tools)
  • Uninstall the Application Tier: Type the following command:

tfsconfig setup /uninstall:ApplicationTier

  • Restart the above TFS configuration steps at Launch TFS admin console


Security configuration issues

Original SQL server configuration, TFS and various service accounts may not match the new machine's configuration. This may generate some errors that can be corrected using SQL server management studio and, in case, TF admin console (Administer security option). It is sometimes necessary to go through TFSSecurity command line utility.


Please note: all this should be considered as "useful hints" to solve TFS migration from machine to machine. You should be armed with patience and try find other simple and reliable paths for your specific problems.

Anyway, Hope this may help!

TFS database pause: Change set quantitative statistics sample

Where to find change-sets information?

TFS source control maintains change-sets for projects in the corresponding collection database. Each change-set is of course composed of the modified project files at the time of the Check-in.

Change-set information is stored in the tbl_ChangeSet table of the project collection database. That is: if you have a project collection 'Default Collection' stored in a database named tfs_default_collection, you will find change-sets information in the table tfs_default_collection.dbo.tbl_ChangeSet.

Files information is stored in tbl_files table, and file-versions information in tbl_Version table.

So, to obtain the list of files of a change-set number 861, for instance, you can execute a query similar to the following:

SELECT TOP (100) percent

    dbo.tbl_ChangeSet (nolock)AS chg_set INNER JOIN
tbl_Version (nolock)AS v ON chg_set.ChangeSetId = v.VersionFrom LEFT OUTER JOIN
tbl_File (nolock) AS f ON v.FileId = f.FileId

WHERE (chg_set.ChangeSetId = 861)

ORDER BY chg_set.CreationDate, v.FullPath



Which may produce results like the following:




2012-05-05 20:22:31.800


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\commands\UniConvertCommandModel.cs\

2012-05-05 20:22:31.800


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\Convert.xaml.cs\

2012-05-05 20:22:31.800


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\Convert.xaml\

2012-05-05 20:22:31.800


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\MainWindow.xaml.cs\

2012-05-05 20:22:31.800


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\MainWindow.xaml\


How many bytes changed?

As you may have noticed from the figure above, change-set file information contains a FileLength column. This suggests that we can obtain the number of changed bytes of a given file between two change-sets… through the following query results we can know that the file grew 696-551 = 145 bytes:





2012-04-30 22:33:10.040


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\Convert.xaml.cs\


2012-05-05 20:22:31.800


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\Convert.xaml.cs\



Who changed what?

The change-set table provides an CommitterId column through which we can know who made a given check-in. As this column contains an ID (integer refering tbl_identity.IdentityId), this is not straight forward information. We have to join other tables to obtain something useful.

In fact, the committer user name is stored in the Constants table. So, we have to join the Change-set's CommitterId column to tbl_identity.IdentityId, and then join tbl_identity.TeamFoundationId to Constants.TeamFoundationId… we can then get the user name in the Constants.DisplayPart column (or Constants.String column)



This can be presented by the following change in our initial view diagram:







2012-04-30 22:33:10.040


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\Convert.xaml.cs\



2012-05-05 20:22:31.800


$\Research education "agile\SimpleUniConverter\Convert.xaml.cs\




Changed bytes tracking generalization

It would, ideally, be beneficial to integrate such information into the TFS analytical database.

We still can do some turnaround by directly querying the database tables.

The idea is to list all change-set files in the order of their respective check-in date. To handle the probability of identical dates / files, we can use a row number to distinguish changes. This may be done like in the following view:

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[xtfs_changeset_files_qry]
TOP (2147483647)
    ROW_NUMBER() over( ORDER BY chg_set.CreationDate) as row_number,

    const.DisplayPart        as user_name,


FROM dbo.tbl_ChangeSet (nolock)    AS chg_set INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_Identity (nolock)    AS login ON chg_set.CommitterId = login.IdentityId INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_Version (nolock)    AS v ON chg_set.ChangeSetId = v.VersionFrom LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tbl_File (nolock)        AS f ON v.FileId = f.FileId inner join
Constants (nolock)        AS const ON const.TeamFoundationId=login.TeamFoundationId

BY chg_set.
CreationDate, v.FullPath



We can then refer the view to itself (current version / previous version) obtain row-relative quantitative changes:

SELECT v1.row_number,
       v1.FullPath AS v1FilePath,
       v1.FileLength AS v1_length,
       v_next.FileLength AS v2_length,
       v_next.FullPath AS v2FilePath,
       ISNULL(v_next.FileLength, 0)
          - ISNULL(v1.FileLength, 0) AS changed_bytes

FROM dbo.xtfs_changeset_files_qry AS v_next RIGHT OUTER JOIN
     dbo.xtfs_changeset_files_qry AS v1 ON v_next.FullPath = v1.FullPath
        AND v_next.row_number = v1.row_number + 1
        OR v_next.FullPath IS NULL
        AND v_next.row_number IS NULL


A dive into the undocumented TFS meta-model – Part I

TFS… introduction to this series

Microsoft TFS (Team Foundation Server… recently renamed to ALM: Application Lifecycle Management) is a great project management platform.

TFS is built on meta-model abstractions (that were first seen, in Microsoft's products, in SharePoint).

TFS, like SharePoint, is composed of several software components which operate around several databases: the configuration database and one or more content databases.

Configuration and content databases' elements (tables, views, functions, stored procedures… etc.) represent the meta-models (schemas and business logic for each related feature) which govern and control much of the software components' behaviors.

TFS is often presented as a software project management solution. In my view, this seems a little reductive of its value. Because TFS features truly span a much larger project management scope.

Many useful literatures have been written about TFS: its features, usage, guidance, troubleshooting… etc. Few have enlightened its meta-model structures and, as of my knowledge, none has put some clear light about its (undocumented) databases' structures. That is what I will try to do in this series, more to value TFS abstractions than to nude its internal mechanics. And also to enforce, again, the meta-model approach as a rational basis for software solutions.


TFS logical architecture


For its contents, TFS maintains a database per project-collection.

Each collection may contain one or more projects. And each project can be managed according to a selected methodology (Agile / Scrum / CMMI… etc.). In fact, TFS applies and operates the selected methodology through the provided methodology project management template. Ultimately, this means you can build your own methodology and use it to manage your project with TFS. All what you need is to provide the desired methodology template.

Managing a project with TFS consists of recording and following-up specific Work items (defined by the methodology template)… those can be items like: Tasks, Bugs, Change requests, User story… etc.

As TFS was initially brewed to manage software projects, a common item in each project is the Source control repository which helps developers to maintain their source code versions and branches in a very efficient architecture composed of 'change sets'.



To discover and figure out its components' data and their required behaviors, TFS uses a configuration database. A first look at the configuration database will be the subject of this first article in the series.


The configuration database

Like SharePoint, TFS databases are delivered without documentation or relational diagrams. They simply don't contain any explicit Foreign-keys or relationships. Whatever the reason behind this choice, that seems a little surprising of a product whose main aim is projects' transparency and documentationJ.

That said, to discover, understand and correctly interpret the role of each TFS database item and their inter-relationships you should do a deep dive and be armed with some patience and empiric methods!


Hosts and processes

Let's have a look at three important tables:

  • tbl_ServiceHost contains the list of services' host information. This includes the item's name, the database connection string (when relevant), the Virtual directory and Resource directory…
  • tbl_ServiceHostProcess contains information about current processes. Machine name, Process name, Identity under which the process is running, start time…
  • tbl_ServiceHostInstance contains the list of processes' instances per host (Process Id / Host Id / Start time).


In my case, the table tbl_ServiceHost contained 3 entries for:

  • Team Foundation: root item (parentless… see diagram ParentHostId column). Connected to the configuration database.
  • Two child entries each for one of my TFS Project collections:
    • Default collection.
    • Training collection.


The above relational schema allows us to query the tables and obtain results like the following about current running services:

svcHost.Name         AS host,
process.MachineName    AS machine,

FROM dbo.tbl_ServiceHostInstance AS instance INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_ServiceHost AS svcHost ON instance.HostId = svcHost.HostId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tbl_ServiceHostProcess AS process ON instance.ProcessId = process.ProcessId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tbl_ServiceHost AS hostParent ON svcHost.ParentHostId = hostParent.HostId

ORDER BY process.StartTime DESC, hostParent.Name, host


Sample results









Data Source= hp10\SqlTfs;Initial Catalog=Tfs_Configuration;Integrated Security=True



2012-05-21 20:18:09.997 



Data Source=hp10\sqltfs;Initial Catalog=tfs_defaultcollection;Integrated Security=True 



2012-05-21 20:18:09.997 

Training collection 

~/Training collection/ 

Data Source=hp10\SqlTfs;Initial Catalog="Tfs_Training collection";Integrated Security=True



2012-05-21 20:18:09.997 



Data Source=hp10\SqlTfs;Initial Catalog=Tfs_Configuration;Integrated Security=True 



2012-05-21 06:51:37.870 



Data Source=hp10\sqltfs;Initial Catalog=tfs_defaultcollection;Integrated Security=True 



2012-05-21 06:51:37.870 

Training collection 

~/Training collection/ 

Data Source=hp10\SqlTfs;Initial Catalog="Tfs_Training collection";Integrated Security=True



2012-05-21 06:51:37.870 


Ressources and services

Again, let's follow up the following tables:

  • tbl_CatalogResourceType stores a list of resource types. Like: 'Machine', 'Infrastructure Root', 'Project Server', 'Team Foundation Project Collection Database'… etc. Here is some sample entries:





Default location for team project portals 

By default, each team project Web site will be a sub-site of this location.



A machine that exists as part of the TFS deployment. 


Infrastructure Root 

The root of the catalog tree that describes the physical makeup of the TFS deployment.


Team Foundation Project Collection Database 

The database that houses the information for a Team Foundation Project Collection. 


Team Foundation Configuration Database

The database that houses the information for a Team Foundation Application Instance. 


Project Server 

Project Server Information 


SharePoint Web Application 

A SharePoint Web application that has been configured to support team project portals.


Test Controller 

This is a test controller type in Catalog Service. 


Team Project Collection 

A Team Project Collection that exists within the TFS deployment.


Project Portal 

A Web site or SharePoint site that provides a portal for a team project. 


Process Guidance 

A Web site or SharePoint library that provides process guidance for a team project.


Team Web Access 

Team Web Access Location 


Team Project 

A Team Project that exists within the TFS deployment. 


  • tbl_CatalogResource stores resources (each referring to one of the types in the above tbl_CatalogResourceType table. Sample entries:








Tfs_Training collection




cmmi project 

cmmi training project 







Infrastructure Root 

The root of the catalog tree that describes the physical makeup of the TFS deployment. 



Agile project 




Team Web Access 



















  • tbl_ServiceDefinition stores a list of predefined services (classes) and the web access page for each. Sample entries (among other things, you may note curly braces which are place holders for some url parameters in the RelativePath column):








Administration Service 




Team Web Access (Annotate) 




Team Web Access (AnnotateSourceControlItem) 




Catalog Service 




Team Web Access (ChangesetDetail) 




Team Web Access (CreateWorkItem) 




Team Web Access (Difference) 




Event Service 




Identity Management Service 




TFS Background Job Service 



  • tbl_CatalogServiceReference stores per-resource services' entries. (Resource Identifier / Service Identifier…).



































This allows us to query the services in a way similar to the following:

SELECT resType.DisplayName AS ResourceType,
svc.DisplayName AS Service,
svc.Description AS serviceDescription
FROM dbo.tbl_ServiceDefinition AS svc INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_CatalogServiceReference AS svcRef ON svc.Identifier = svcRef.ServiceIdentifier
dbo.tbl_CatalogResource AS Res ON svcRef.ResourceIdentifier = Res.Identifier
dbo.tbl_CatalogResourceType AS resType ON Res.ResourceType = resType.Identifier



Sample results:




Team Web Access

Team Web Access (Annotate)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (AnnotateSourceControlItem)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (ChangesetDetail)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (CreateWorkItem)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (Difference)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (DiffSourceControlItems)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (DiffSourceControlShelvedItem)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (DiffSourceControlShelvedItem)


Team Web Access

Team Web Access (ExploreSourceControlPath)


Team Project Collection

Location Service

Location Service for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.

Team Project Collection

Location Service

Location Service for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.

Team Foundation Server Instance

Location Service

Location Service for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.

Team Web Access

Team Web Access (OpenWorkItem)



More about TFS meta-models in following posts!

Sorting dates: Ascending, Descending OR…

This is a small story, yet with something special:

Once upon a time, there was a list of events stored into a database table. Each event had (evidenceJ) a date.

A friend of mine asked me to sort these event items.

I asked, as you may imagine: Ascending or Descending?


But this, apparently, seemed too simplistic for him…

- I want the most recent to appear first. He said.

- Well, that means you want to sort in descending order.

I gave him a demo of data sorted in descending order…

- No, he said, that is not what I want!


After a short discussion, I understood that what he wanted was:

·         To first have the incoming events (i.e. those located after “today’s” date… sorted in an ascending order)

·         Followed by older dates (sorted in ascending order)


I first thought: can ORDER BY do something else than sorting in ascending / descending?...

As the answer was, evidently, No… I said: Sorry, but that is not possible!

The question remained in my mind however. And I started looking for a solution (for myself!)

The experimentations didn’t in fact last long, the solution was quickly found:


All what we need is to:

§  Categorize dates according to their location relative to Today (or any other logic);

§  Give each category a ‘sortable’ value (integer for example)

§  Sort by the category’s value, followed by the date value.






      CASE WHEN event_date >= getutcdate() THEN 1

            ELSE 2

      END               AS date_category  -- categorize date

FROM         dbo.sight_conferences

ORDER BY date_category, event_date



Screenshot of the output data sample




The key part of this code is the logic of categorizing dates. In this sample, categorization was quite simple (set a category according to date location relative to Today). But, of course, we can use another logic scheme to obtain data sorted accordingly.

Managing databases periodic membership (or: unique time span indexing) Part II

Ho to view periodic relationship data

In the previous post, I exposed a method for uniquely indexing time spans of periodic-memberships.


Here, we will discuss the next task: How to view historical data in such structures?

To illustrate this, we will talk about a portfolio sample data, simply because this is a more elaborate case (than the hotel/room reservation case).


Suppose we have:

§  A portfolio named ‘Sample portfolio’

§  A set of companies: company 1, company 2 and company 3

§  A set of daily historical data for each company for the period from 2010/01/01 to 2010/01/10


Now suppose that:

§  Company 1 and company 3 are ‘permanent members’ of the portfolio starting at 2010/01/01

§  Company 2 is a member of the portfolio for the following periods:

o   2010/01/01 to 2010/01/05

o   2010/01/08 to à endless


To query the daily historical data for company 2 related to its parent portfolio, we should thus obtain the data for the periods where it is effectively a member of the portfolio:

§  2010/01/01, 2010/01/02, 2010/01/03, 2010/01/04, 2010/01/05

§  2010/01/08, 2010/01/09 and 2010/01/10


(Note that data for 2010/01/06 and 2010/01/07 should be ignored)


This can be done using a view similar to the following (TSQL followed by the view design diagram)


SELECT     p.name AS portfolio,

                c.name    AS company,




FROM dbo.portfolio_companies AS pc INNER JOIN

                      dbo.portfolios AS p ON pc.portfolio_id = p.id INNER JOIN

                      dbo.company_data AS history

                ON pc.date_start <= history.date

                               AND ISNULL(pc.date_end, CONVERT(datetime, '9999/01/01')) >= history.date INNER JOIN

                      dbo.companies AS c ON history.company_id = c.id AND pc.company_id = c.id


As said above, company 2 is a portfolio member during the following periods:

§  2010/01/01 to 2010/01/05

§  2010/01/08 to à endless




With our sample history data, this view produces the following data for company 2 (8 entries):



Note: the history data table contains the following data for company 2 (10 entries):



Managing databases periodic membership (or: unique time span indexing)


The relations between some ‘real world’ objects can sometimes be in the form of ‘periodic membership’. By ‘periodic membership’, I mean the context when one object can be member of another during one or more periods of time.


·         A person who occupies a hotel room during a period of time;

·         A company which is member of a portfolio during a period of time;

·         … etc.


The context also assumes that we want to keep the membership history and be able to build data aggregations that take into account these periodic memberships. (For example: be able to calculate portfolio performance during a period of time that spans several ‘periodic memberships’).


A concrete example may better explain the case:

§  We have a portfolio for which we want to maintain historical performance during time;

§  At 2009/01/01, the portfolio contained : company1, company2 and company3;

§  At 2009/03/01, we changed the portfolio components and excluded company2. (Now the portfolio contains only company1 and company3);

§  At 2009/06/01, to calculate the portfolio performance for the period 2009/01/01 to 2009/06/01, we should take company2 into account for the period 2009/01/01 to 2009/03/01 (although it is no more part of the portfolio).


Knowing that database engines do not offer a ‘time-overlap’ unique indexing features, resolving this situation needs a structure that allows us to assign and manage periodic membership indexes.

Note: I am surely not the first to confront this context, but I wanted to share my experience to resolve this problem and will be glad to receive any thoughts about it.


Periodic membership multiplicity models

In my experience, I encountered two possible types of multiplicities related to periodic relationship:

§  One-to-one periodic membership: a good example for this would be a hotel room that can be occupied only by one person during the same period (i.e. period is unique per room);

§  One-to-many periodic membership: a good example for this would be a portfolio which can have more than one member for the same period (i.e. period is unique per portfolio-member).

In this article, I will explain how to handle both of these types.


Hotel room reservation, the basic structure

To demonstrate a hotel reservation periodic membership (uniqueness of room/reservation period), we can create the following table and relationships:


§  Hotel clients: contains client list items

§  Hotel rooms: contains room list

§  Hotel room reservations: contains client/room reservation periods


Note: the date_end field of the reservations table can be null, to allow ‘permanent’ (or endless) reservations.


To ensure uniqueness of reservation periods, we will create a scalar function (returning a Boolean value) that can be used as Check Constraint on the hotel_room_reservations.


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[is_valid_hotel_reservation_period]


       @item_id     int,

       @room_id     int,

       @date_start  datetime,

       @date_end    datetime





       -- validate the provided parameters    

       if @date_start is null or @room_id is null

             return 0


       -- be sure start date < end date 

       if not @date_end is null


             if @date_start >= @date_end

                    return 0



       -- is this the first reservation period for this room?

       if ( select count(*)

                    from dbo.hotel_room_reservations

                    where( room_id = @room_id) ) <= 0

             return 1


       -- check overlapped periods

       if @date_end is null              -- is this a permanent (endless) reservattion?


             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.hotel_room_reservations

                    where( ( room_id = @room_id)

                                  and( id != @item_id)

                                  and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0




             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.hotel_room_reservations

                    where(       (room_id = @room_id)

                                  and( id != @item_id)

                                  and( date_start <= @date_end)

                                  and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0




       -- return OK

       return 1



We can now use this function as check constraint on the reservation table:



Overlapping entries in the reservation table would now display an error message like:

The Portfolio/company periodic membership case

In portfolio/company case, membership should allow multiple membership instances for different periods. That is: the same company can be member of the same portfolio several times as long as the membership periods do NOT overlap.


Our tables and relationships may look like the following:


All what we need is to create a new version of the above function, and use it as a check constraint condition for the portfolio companies table:


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[is_valid_portfolio_company_period]


       @item_id     int,

       @portfolio_id int,

       @company_id  int,

       @date_start  datetime,

       @date_end    datetime





       -- validate the provided parameters    

       if @company_id is null or @date_start is null or @portfolio_id is null

             return 0


       -- be sure start date < end date 

       if not @date_end is null


             if @date_start >= @date_end

                    return 0



       -- is this the first membership period for the portfolio/company?

       if ( select count(*)

                    from dbo.portfolio_companies

                    where( portfolio_id = @portfolio_id)

                           and( company_id = @company_id) ) <= 0

             return 1


       -- check overlapped periods

       if @date_end is null              -- is this a permanent (endless) membership?


             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.portfolio_companies

                    where( company_id = @company_id

                           and( portfolio_id = @portfolio_id)

                           and( id != @item_id)

                           and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0




             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.portfolio_companies

                    where( company_id = @company_id

                           and( portfolio_id = @portfolio_id)

                           and( id != @item_id)

                           and( date_start <= @date_end)

                           and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0



       return 1



We can, now, use the function as a check constraint condition for the membership table:



Possible extensions

It seems that, with some more efforts, this can evolve to a generic Time-Span unique indexer.

Waiting to hear some thoughts about thisJ!

Silverlight database to DataGrid, yet another approach- Part V

The data record (the ‘form’)

As I mentioned in Part II, my proposed solution (aimed to transfer and communicate data between a Silverlight Client and the database server) is composed of the following schematic classes:

Data level classes


Represents the table (or view, or function…) data.


A meta-data table

A list of data rows


Represents one record of data.


List of data cells

Linked to:

A parent table


Represents one record’s data cell.

Linked to:

A parent row

A parent meta-data column

Meta-data level classes


Represents the table’s meta-data (schema)


A list of meta-data columns

Linked to:

A parent table


Represents one column’s schema information.

Note: This is the ‘Key Class’ where you can insert all your required business logic.

Linked to:

A parent meta-data table


The SilverMetaColumn class is the key class which will transport many of business logic information from the database server to the client (and back to the server).

A meta-data column object of this class can transport information like:

§  The column’s data type;

§  Can the column contain null value?

§  The semantic type of the field (ex: control type… i.e. is this an option list? a value entry field?…)

§  Valid value ranges;


§  etc.


What I want to expose here is: how to use this meta-data column object to ‘automatically’ (or semi-automatically) compose a data record (form) on the client side.


From the field semantic àto the control àto the form

After having examined many of the data entry forms in various contexts, I think that a data entry (from the user interface point of view) is either:

§  A value entry control (i.e. a TextBox or TextBox-like: Numeric Up-down control for example)

§  Or a choice control (i.e. a ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, Radio-buttons-collection or other type of collection container controls)


Of course, the visual aspect of the control and its interactivity scenario may vary… but its presentation-semantic remains the same: a value entry or a choice.

From the business logic point of view (at the server side), what is important is not the visual aspect or visual transitions for presenting and collecting the data. What is important is the conformance of the collected data to specific business logic constraints:

§  Does the entry conform to the required data type?

§  Does the entry conform to the required valid range?



According to this approach, we can imagine a solution where the server tells the client:

§  Here is the requested data record composed of:

§  Column 1 : this is the record key column, It is Read-only (i.e. it will be handled at the server)

§  Column 2: this is an entry of data type Text, Required (cannot be null), cannot exceed 50 characters, Current value is “sample entry”;

§  Column 3: this is an entry of data type integer, Can be null, Valid range is 0 through 40, Default is 25, Current value is 32;

§  Column 4: this a single choice of the following option list (x1, x2, x3), Cannot be null, Current value is x2;

§  Column 5: this a boolean value, default is True, Current value is False;



Receiving this information, the client can then undertake the presentation process, for example:

§  Start record presentation transition (animation);

§  For each column, create the corresponding control (ex: according to the user interface graphical chart);

§  Set each control’s properties to conform to business constraints (read-only, max chars, valid values check… etc.)


Here is an example of a solution using this approach: