Taoffi's blog

prisonniers du temps

Organize your MSDN Help Favorites

If you regularly use MSDN help (Visual Studio Documentation or MSSQL Server Books OnLine (BOL)) you may have noticed that it is not possible to sort or search the list of help favorites.

Migrating these favorites to another machine is almost more painful!

I suffered from these problems for a long time, until I decided to write a tool to help resolving these lacks.

What does the tool do?

HelpFavoriteOrganizer can locate and read your Favorites (xml) file (for Visual Studio or MSSQL documentation) and allow you to sort and search favorite topics. It also locates duplicated topics (i.e. topic having the same help addresses)

You can then save you favorite file, to either a new xml file or overwriting the original XML favorite file.

Another useful feature is to import (merge) an existing xml favorite file into your favorite topics. This can allow an easier roaming life, and can also be used to share your help favorites with someone else.


ATTENTION: be careful when deleting items or overwriting files because this tool DOES NOT ask any confirmation. (i.e. use it at your own risk!)

That said (!), you can download it Here: HelpFavoritesOrganizer.zip (34.82 kb)

Some screen captures

Try to locate and load either VStudio help or SQL help favorites






Sort / Search your topics… items highlighted

Save the list either to a new file or to the original help favorites file.



Locate / delete duplicated topics (As you can see, I have no more duplicatesJ)



Import (merge) another favorites xml file


Managing databases periodic membership (or: unique time span indexing) Part II

Ho to view periodic relationship data

In the previous post, I exposed a method for uniquely indexing time spans of periodic-memberships.


Here, we will discuss the next task: How to view historical data in such structures?

To illustrate this, we will talk about a portfolio sample data, simply because this is a more elaborate case (than the hotel/room reservation case).


Suppose we have:

§  A portfolio named ‘Sample portfolio’

§  A set of companies: company 1, company 2 and company 3

§  A set of daily historical data for each company for the period from 2010/01/01 to 2010/01/10


Now suppose that:

§  Company 1 and company 3 are ‘permanent members’ of the portfolio starting at 2010/01/01

§  Company 2 is a member of the portfolio for the following periods:

o   2010/01/01 to 2010/01/05

o   2010/01/08 to à endless


To query the daily historical data for company 2 related to its parent portfolio, we should thus obtain the data for the periods where it is effectively a member of the portfolio:

§  2010/01/01, 2010/01/02, 2010/01/03, 2010/01/04, 2010/01/05

§  2010/01/08, 2010/01/09 and 2010/01/10


(Note that data for 2010/01/06 and 2010/01/07 should be ignored)


This can be done using a view similar to the following (TSQL followed by the view design diagram)


SELECT     p.name AS portfolio,

                c.name    AS company,




FROM dbo.portfolio_companies AS pc INNER JOIN

                      dbo.portfolios AS p ON pc.portfolio_id = p.id INNER JOIN

                      dbo.company_data AS history

                ON pc.date_start <= history.date

                               AND ISNULL(pc.date_end, CONVERT(datetime, '9999/01/01')) >= history.date INNER JOIN

                      dbo.companies AS c ON history.company_id = c.id AND pc.company_id = c.id


As said above, company 2 is a portfolio member during the following periods:

§  2010/01/01 to 2010/01/05

§  2010/01/08 to à endless




With our sample history data, this view produces the following data for company 2 (8 entries):



Note: the history data table contains the following data for company 2 (10 entries):



Managing databases periodic membership (or: unique time span indexing)


The relations between some ‘real world’ objects can sometimes be in the form of ‘periodic membership’. By ‘periodic membership’, I mean the context when one object can be member of another during one or more periods of time.


·         A person who occupies a hotel room during a period of time;

·         A company which is member of a portfolio during a period of time;

·         … etc.


The context also assumes that we want to keep the membership history and be able to build data aggregations that take into account these periodic memberships. (For example: be able to calculate portfolio performance during a period of time that spans several ‘periodic memberships’).


A concrete example may better explain the case:

§  We have a portfolio for which we want to maintain historical performance during time;

§  At 2009/01/01, the portfolio contained : company1, company2 and company3;

§  At 2009/03/01, we changed the portfolio components and excluded company2. (Now the portfolio contains only company1 and company3);

§  At 2009/06/01, to calculate the portfolio performance for the period 2009/01/01 to 2009/06/01, we should take company2 into account for the period 2009/01/01 to 2009/03/01 (although it is no more part of the portfolio).


Knowing that database engines do not offer a ‘time-overlap’ unique indexing features, resolving this situation needs a structure that allows us to assign and manage periodic membership indexes.

Note: I am surely not the first to confront this context, but I wanted to share my experience to resolve this problem and will be glad to receive any thoughts about it.


Periodic membership multiplicity models

In my experience, I encountered two possible types of multiplicities related to periodic relationship:

§  One-to-one periodic membership: a good example for this would be a hotel room that can be occupied only by one person during the same period (i.e. period is unique per room);

§  One-to-many periodic membership: a good example for this would be a portfolio which can have more than one member for the same period (i.e. period is unique per portfolio-member).

In this article, I will explain how to handle both of these types.


Hotel room reservation, the basic structure

To demonstrate a hotel reservation periodic membership (uniqueness of room/reservation period), we can create the following table and relationships:


§  Hotel clients: contains client list items

§  Hotel rooms: contains room list

§  Hotel room reservations: contains client/room reservation periods


Note: the date_end field of the reservations table can be null, to allow ‘permanent’ (or endless) reservations.


To ensure uniqueness of reservation periods, we will create a scalar function (returning a Boolean value) that can be used as Check Constraint on the hotel_room_reservations.


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[is_valid_hotel_reservation_period]


       @item_id     int,

       @room_id     int,

       @date_start  datetime,

       @date_end    datetime





       -- validate the provided parameters    

       if @date_start is null or @room_id is null

             return 0


       -- be sure start date < end date 

       if not @date_end is null


             if @date_start >= @date_end

                    return 0



       -- is this the first reservation period for this room?

       if ( select count(*)

                    from dbo.hotel_room_reservations

                    where( room_id = @room_id) ) <= 0

             return 1


       -- check overlapped periods

       if @date_end is null              -- is this a permanent (endless) reservattion?


             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.hotel_room_reservations

                    where( ( room_id = @room_id)

                                  and( id != @item_id)

                                  and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0




             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.hotel_room_reservations

                    where(       (room_id = @room_id)

                                  and( id != @item_id)

                                  and( date_start <= @date_end)

                                  and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0




       -- return OK

       return 1



We can now use this function as check constraint on the reservation table:



Overlapping entries in the reservation table would now display an error message like:

The Portfolio/company periodic membership case

In portfolio/company case, membership should allow multiple membership instances for different periods. That is: the same company can be member of the same portfolio several times as long as the membership periods do NOT overlap.


Our tables and relationships may look like the following:


All what we need is to create a new version of the above function, and use it as a check constraint condition for the portfolio companies table:


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[is_valid_portfolio_company_period]


       @item_id     int,

       @portfolio_id int,

       @company_id  int,

       @date_start  datetime,

       @date_end    datetime





       -- validate the provided parameters    

       if @company_id is null or @date_start is null or @portfolio_id is null

             return 0


       -- be sure start date < end date 

       if not @date_end is null


             if @date_start >= @date_end

                    return 0



       -- is this the first membership period for the portfolio/company?

       if ( select count(*)

                    from dbo.portfolio_companies

                    where( portfolio_id = @portfolio_id)

                           and( company_id = @company_id) ) <= 0

             return 1


       -- check overlapped periods

       if @date_end is null              -- is this a permanent (endless) membership?


             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.portfolio_companies

                    where( company_id = @company_id

                           and( portfolio_id = @portfolio_id)

                           and( id != @item_id)

                           and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0




             if ( select  count(*)

                    from dbo.portfolio_companies

                    where( company_id = @company_id

                           and( portfolio_id = @portfolio_id)

                           and( id != @item_id)

                           and( date_start <= @date_end)

                           and(( date_end is null) or (date_end >= @date_start))

                           )) > 0

                    return 0



       return 1



We can, now, use the function as a check constraint condition for the membership table:



Possible extensions

It seems that, with some more efforts, this can evolve to a generic Time-Span unique indexer.

Waiting to hear some thoughts about thisJ!