Taoffi's blog

prisonniers du temps

xsl witness!

Transforming xml content through xsl stylesheets is a useful and relatively common feature in the development process. I talked about this in the previous post about OneNote pages html preview.
Searching in my personal code toolbox, I just found this ‘iXslWitness’, a tool I wrote a couple of years ago to check the effectiveness of a stylesheet in transforming xml to html. Its usage is quite simple: you select an xml file and the xsl stylesheet to use. And you get the html transformed content.
I hope that can be useful for anyone involved in such tasks!
A screenshot of transforming a OneNote page xml content (a list of ‘The World If’ publications of The Economist newspaper):


You can download the tool Here.
The source code is Here.

Back to earth – Xamarin.Forms Cuvée 2017

After some months spent on other project types, so glad to find back Xamarin.Forms and to see how it evolved (matured) with the integration in Visual Studio 2017.

The new Xamarin.Forms project template is awesome and pedagogic. You can start building an entire professional solution around the basic objects delivered within that template!

This 2017 spring (well: it is autumn elsewhere!) other interesting projects also blossomed. Don't miss Grial 2.0 of UXDivers. A great ergonomic framework for Xamarin.Forms.

Those guys @UXDivers are unique! (Will talk about this later)

The new Xamarin.Forms template base objects

Inside the main portable project, you will find the 'Helpers' folder containing some interesting foundation objects, of which, the ObservableObject class.

ObservableObject is the base class of another delivered sample object 'BaseDataObject' of which derives the 'Item' object… another delivered sample object.


The relationship between those objects are shown in the following class diagram:


That looks to be a great and mature foundation. Deriving your objects from this simple architecture would allow you, among other benefits, to have a reliable property change notification mechanism (See my last year's post about this question)


Great… But!

As often among our developer community, we may agree on an architectural pattern and disagree on parts of its implementation.

In the new Xamarin implementation, a class calls its parent to set a property value. The parent then sets the new value and notifies the property change.


Here is the base class's (ObservableObject) code to set a property value:


protected bool SetProperty<T>(ref T backingStore, T value,
             [CallerMemberName]string propertyName = "",
             Action onChanged = null)
     if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(backingStore, value))
         return false;

      backingStore = value;
     return true;



A derived class can then use this:


string description = string.Empty;

public string Description
     get { return description; }
     set { SetProperty(ref description, value); }



In the above example, the property change notification is executed using the caller name (thanks to CompilerService.CallerMemberName attribute) unless the name is explicitly specified.


Note: msdn documentation

An Empty value or null for the propertyName parameter indicates that all of the properties have changed.


In so many case, a property change may require notifying the change of one or more of other object properties. A simple example would be: when you change the 'Birth date' of a person object, which requires notifying the change of his or her Age property as well.

In fact, an object's property value is, in most cases, linked to business rules and is better handled at the object's level. The property change notification, as its name suggests, is related to notifying external objects who may be interested by the value change of that property.

Summarizing this need by a SET mechanism can be good but does not seem to be an all-purpose solution.

We still need to complement this with the 'old' notification mechanism (based on Expressions) exposed in the pattern of the abovementioned post (which, itself, derives from other community knowledge as I mentioned!)


[This post corrects and clarifies points mentioned in a previous post]

Comparable sets

When we manipulate various collections of items, you often need to compare them.

Functionally speaking, comparing two collections (set1 and set2), in its simplest form, may mean:

  • Get the collection of items in set1 that are not in set2 (or vice versa)
  • Get the collection of identical items
  • Get the collection of different items.


In my case, I needed to obtain such compared collections in several projects (Xml files, Open Xml packages, swagger files, ms build project settings… I talked about in previous posts).

Several interfaces that come with .net may be of help in many contexts (think about IComparable, IEquitable… etc.). Though quite efficient for sorting and equality tests, they do not seem to be the right choice for solving this particular need for comparing collections.


For a collection to produce what we need (identical items, different items and items not in 'another' collection), its items must be able to provide answers to several basic questions.

For an item to tell if it is 'different' from or 'identical' to another, they must first be 'comparable'.

In the case of an Xml node for instance, we might consider that two nodes having the same name are comparable. They then can be different if their values are different. And can be identical if their values are identical.

Let us assume an object that provides such answers:


public interface IComparableItem
   bool IsComparable(IComparableItem other);
   bool IsDifferent(IComparableItem other);
   bool IsIdentical(IComparableItem other);


And a generic collection of such items

public class ComparableSet<T> : List<T> where T: IComparableItem


In such collection, we can then extract items matching our needs:


// items not in the other collection
public List<T> ItemsNotIn(ComparableSet<T> otherSet)

   List<T>      list   = new List<T>();

   if(otherSet == null)
      return list;

   foreach(var item in this)
      // get an item of the other collection that is comparable to this item
      var comparable   = otherSet.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsComparable(item));

      if(comparable == null)

   return list;


Sample implementation - The comparable item


public class ComparableSetItem : IComparableItem
   public string Name      { get; set; }
   public string Value      { get; set; }

   public bool IsIdentical(IComparableItem other)
      ComparableSetItem   obj   = other == null ? null : other as ComparableSetItem;
      if(obj == null)
         return false;

      if(obj == this)
         return true;

      return obj.Name == this.Name && obj.Value == this.Value;

   public bool IsDifferent(IComparableItem other)
      ComparableSetItem   obj   = other == null ? null : other as ComparableSetItem;

      if(obj == null || obj == this)
         return false;

      return obj.Name == this.Name && obj.Value != this.Value;

   public bool IsComparable(IComparableItem other)
      ComparableSetItem   obj   = other == null ? null : other as ComparableSetItem;

      if(obj == null || obj == this)
         return false;

      return obj.Name == this.Name;


The comparable generic collection


public class ComparableSet<T> : List<T> where T: IComparableItem
   // items not in the other collection
   public List<T> ItemsNotIn(ComparableSet<T> otherSet)
      List<T>      list   = new List<T>();

      if(otherSet == null)
         return list;

      foreach(var item in this)
         var comparable   = otherSet.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsComparable(item));

         if(comparable == null)

      return list;




   public List<T> IdenticalItems(ComparableSet<T> otherSet)
      List<T>      list   = new List<T>();

      if(otherSet == null)
         return list;

      foreach(var item in this)
         var identicals   = otherSet.Where(i => i.IsIdentical(item));

         if(identicals == null)

         foreach(var itemx in identicals)

      return list;


   public List<T> DifferentItems(ComparableSet<T> otherSet)
      List<T>      list   = new List<T>();

      if(otherSet == null)
         return list;

      foreach(var item in this)
         var      diffs   = otherSet.Where(i => i.IsComparable(item));

         if(diffs == null)

         foreach(var otherItem in diffs)


      return list;


A simple console method to test this implementation


public static void TestComparableSets()
ComparableSet<ComparableSetItem>   list1   = new ComparableSet<ComparableSetItem>();
ComparableSet<ComparableSetItem>   list2   = new ComparableSet<ComparableSetItem>();

   list1.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name1",    Value = "value1" });
   list1.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name2",    Value = "value2" });
   list1.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name3",    Value = "value3" });
   list1.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name4",    Value = "value4" });
   list1.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name5",    Value = "value5" });

   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name1",    Value = "value10" });
   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name2",    Value = "value2" });
   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name3",    Value = "value30" });
   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name30",   Value = "value300" });
   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name40",   Value = "value40" });
   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name5",    Value = "value5" });
   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name50",   Value = "value50" });
   list2.Add(new ComparableSetItem() { Name = "name6",    Value = "value60" });

   var      list1NotIn2 = list1.ItemsNotIn(list2);       // {n4/v4}
   var      list2NotIn1 = list2.ItemsNotIn(list1);       // {n30/v30},  {n40/v40},
                                                         // {n50/v50},  {n6/v60}
   var      list1Diff2  = list1.DifferentItems(list2);   // {n1/v10},   {n3/v30}
   var      list2Diff1  = list2.DifferentItems(list1);   // {n1/v1},    {n3/v3}
   var      ident12     = list1.IdenticalItems(list2);   // {n2/v2},    {n5/v5}
   var      ident21     = list2.IdenticalItems(list1);   // {n2/v2},    {n5/v5}


Using the strategy pattern

The above implementation assumes that you have control upon the collection items structures and are able to change their code.

If that is not the case (like, for instance, when using objects defined in a third party's library) you may use the strategy design pattern in a way similar to the IComparer interface.


public interface ICollectionItemComparer
   bool IsComparable(object obj1, object obj2);
   bool IsDifferent(object obj1, object obj2);
   bool IsIdentical(object obj1, object obj2);


The generic collection may then be defined in a way similar to the following:


public class ComparableSet<T> : List<T> where T: class
   // sample items not in the other collection using strategy pattern
   public List<T> ItemsNotIn(ComparableSet<T> otherSet, ICollectionItemComparer comparer)
      List<T>      list   = new List<T>();

      if(otherSet == null)
         return list;

      foreach(var item in this)
         var comparable   = otherSet.FirstOrDefault(i => comparer.IsComparable(item, i));

         if(comparable == null)

      return list;

Revisiting the Trie –applied to text search and indexing [.net]

A Trie is an efficient tree structure for storing and searching hierarchically-structured information.

For more detailed information you may have a look Here, Here or Here… to mention a few.

In this article, I take 'Text' as the information to be handled.

Text can be viewed as a tree of 'character' nodes. Each set of these nodes compose a 'Word' building block. Several 'Words' building block may share a same set of character nodes.

Let us look at words like: trie, tree, try, trying. All of them share the 't' and 'r' root nodes. 'try' and 'trying' have their 't', 'r', 'y' as common nodes. This can be presented in the following simple diagram:

Or, in a more graphical presentation, like the figure below (green nodes represent end of words):


In the case of Text, the efficiency of a Trie is that any word of a given text will start with one of the known alphabetical characters of the language used. Which represents a relatively limited number of nodes.

To enhance our tree structure, we may choose to compose our root nodes with only characters used in the manipulated text (i.e. dynamically compose our root character dictionary).

Trie classes

The following class diagram presents the main Trie model used in the application code:


  • CharDictionaryItem: stores one character information (its 'char' value… from which we can get its int value)
  • CharDictionary: the collection or CharDictionaryItem used as the root dictionary for all nodes
  • TrieNode: a trie node item. It refers to one of the above dictionary's nodes. Contains a IsEndOfWord flag that tells whether the node is the end of a word building bloc. And provides information related to its status and position in the tree (Children, Neighbors, IsExpanded…). Through its tree position and flags, a TrieNode object can provide us with useful information such as 'words' (Strings) found at its specific position.
  • TrieNodeList: a collection of TrieNode items.
  • Trie: is the central object. It contains a CharDictionary and a TrieNodeList. This class is implemented as a singleton in the current sample application.

Collection indexers

Collections (CharDictionary, TrieNodeList) expose a useful indexer that retrieves an item by its character. Those indexers will be used through the code for retrieving items.

TrieNodeList indexer:


public TrieNode this[char c]
get { return this.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Character == c); }

CharDictionary indexer:


public CharDictionaryItem this[char c]
get { return this.FirstOrDefault( item => item.Character == c); }

The sample scenario

The sample application proposes the following usage scenario:

  • User selects a text file
  • Parse the file's contents: get its words blocks
  • Compose the root character dictionary
  • Build the words tree
  • Display the presentation tree + additional search functionalities

Parsing text – sample code

Parse text words (having a minimum length: (= 3 chars in the sample app))


int ParseStringTask(string str, int minWordLength)
// split text words
string[] words = str.Split(new string[]
" ", "\r\n", "(", ")", ",", ".", "'", "\"",
":", "/", "'", "'", "«", "»", "-", "+", "=",
"*", "[", "]", "{", "}", ";", "&", "<",
">", "|", "\\", "`", "^", "…", "\t"    
}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

string word;

foreach (string w in words)
word = w.Trim();

if (word.Length >= minWordLength)
this.AddString(word); // add this word to the tree

return this._nodes.Count;

AddString method: creates the new dictionary items / adds the tree nodes of a string block (word)


public void AddString(string str)
char c = str[0];
CharDictionaryItem dicoItem;
TrieNode firstNode = _nodes[c],
int ndx,
len = str.Length;

if(firstNode == null)
// find the dictionary item. add it if none found
dicoItem = GetDictionaryItem(c);
firstNode = _nodes.AddTail(dicoItem);

for(ndx = 1; ndx < len; ndx++)
c = str[ndx];
node = firstNode.Children[c];
// find the dictionary item. add it if none found
dicoItem = GetDictionaryItem(c);

if(node == null)
node = firstNode.Children.AddTail(dicoItem);

if(ndx >= len -1)
// set the End of word flag
node.IsEndOfWord = true;

firstNode = node;

Reading back the trie words

How to find back our parsed words through the trie?

Here is a sample code to find words located at a given node:

TrieNode.Strings property:


public List<string> Strings
List<string> list = new List<string>();
var childWords = from c in _children where(c._isEndofWord == true) select c;
List<string> neigbors = Next == null ? null : Next.Strings;
string strThis = this.Character.ToString();

// add words found in immediate neighbors
if(childWords != null)
string str = strThis;

foreach(TrieNode n in childWords)
str += n.Character.ToString();

list.Add( str);

// add words that may be found in child nodes
foreach(TrieNode childNode in _children)
foreach(string str in childNode.Strings)
list.Add(strThis + str);

return list;


User interface (WPF)

Trie nodes can easily be presented in a TreeView. According to the trie node flag, its corresponding tree view node should be able to indicate this (through different image in our example, using a Converter)

The Tree view item template may be:


<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0" >
<Image Width="14"
Source="{Binding Converter={StaticResource nodeImageConverter}}"
Margin="0,0" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Character}" Padding="4,0"
Margin="4,0" VerticalAlignment="Center" />


Searching trie words

Fins words starting with a given string (Trie class)


public List<string> StartsWith(string str)
List<String> list = new List<string>();

char c = str[0];
TrieNode node0 = this._nodes[c];

if(node0 == null)
return list;

List<string> strings = node0.Strings;

foreach(string s in strings)
if(s.StartsWith(str, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
return list;


Fins words containing a given string (Trie class)


public List<string> Containing(string str)
List<String> list = new List<string>();

return list;

foreach(TrieNode node in this._nodes)
var strings = from sx in node.Strings where( sx.Contains(str)) select sx;

foreach(string s in strings)

return list;


Sample app screenshots


The sample code

You may download the source code Here.

Have fun optimizing the code and adding new features!

Convert a List<T> to List<something known only at runtime>

I fall into this while writing a data generator for sample objects.

Let us assume this:


public class SampleItem
public string name { getset; }
public SampleItem() { }


public class SampleClass
public List<SampleItem> ObjectList {  getset; }
public SampleClass() { }


Using Reflection, the data generator can easily see and assign a string value to SampleItem.Name property (notice: at runtime, our code does not know what SampleItem is)

For my purpose, it was important to insert some sample items into any List<T> property of an object.

In the above sample code that means, for a SampleClass instance, to generate a list of SampleItem to be assigned to the instance's ObjetcList property.

An elegant solution was found here. Its code is so simple:


public static object ConvertList(List<object> value, Type type)
var containedType = type.GenericTypeArguments.First();
return value.Select(item => Convert.ChangeType(item, containedType));


Example usage:


var objects = new List<Object> { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
ConvertList(objects, typeof(List<int>)).Dump();


That didn't work for my case. I could not assign the ObjectList property (I got an exception) because the resulting value generated by the code above was in fact a Lis<object>. It only converted the items contained into the list into SampleItem, the list itself was not a List<SampleItem> it was still a List<object>


The solution (less elegant, but still efficientJ):


static object ConvertList(IEnumerable<object> value, Type listType)
var containedType = listType.GenericTypeArguments.First();
var tmpList     = value.Select(item => Convert.ChangeType(item, containedType)).ToList();
var newList     = Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
MethodInfo addMethod = listType.GetMethod("Add");

foreach(var item in tmpList)
  addMethod.Invoke(newList, new object[] { item });

return newList;


That converts a List<object> and returns an object of the type expected by the property (a List<T>)

Swagger – Browsing REST service definitions

You probably know about Swagger?


OpenAPI Specification (originally known as the Swagger specification) is a specification for machine-readable interface files for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.


In a way, Swagger does what soap does for wsdl generated files.

It produces a .json file containing the given service information (data types, operations, parameters… etc.).

I came to know Swagger some days ago on a client site and that was quite useful to document defined services. The UI provided to access those information was quite poor though.

I looked for a more convenient UI for reading the provided .json, but could not find something available. I thus decided to write my own…. Which is the subject of this post.


I first thought it would be quite straightforward: just define objects that match the json structure / parse the json code into my objects… et voilà. I admit I was too optimistic!

The swagger.json schema

Let us first try to understand the structures defined in the generated .json file. I read many articles (some rather obscure!) about that, but through the work craft my understanding got betterJ. Here are the conclusions seen through a .net developer view:

Swagger json file is composed of:


A global (root) service definition, itself composed of (most significant elements for clarity)

  • A Dictionary of service paths:
      • Key = path url
      • Value = Dictionary of operations available at that address. Itself composed of:
        • Key = operation name
        • Value = the operation object. Composed of:
          • General info (name, description, summary… etc.)
          • Operation’s Verb (example: get, post, set, put…)
          • An array of Parameter objects:
            • Description
            • (In) = Where should it be located (example: in the request’s path, argument or body…)
            • Is required (bool flag)
            • Parameter’s data type
          • Operation Responses object = Dictionary of:
            • Key = response code (example: 200, default…)
            • Value = response object:
              • Description
              • Response data type


Remark: you may notice that operation parameters are defined as an array. I think they would better be defined as a dictionary as parameter names should be unique within the same operation.

After the paths node, the schema continues with another interesting node:

    • A Dictionary of service’s data types:
      • Key = data type name
      • Value = Dictionary of data type members:
        • Key = element name
        • Value = a data type object:
          • Type (example: object, string, array… may refer to a defined data type object)
          • Element data type (for objects of type array). Refers to a defined data type.


Here is a screen capture of significant nodes in a sample swagger json file. You may find more samples here.



The objects of the schema can be presented in the following class diagram (note that the ServicePaths dictionary Value is a Dictionary of string, iSvcOperation… I could not find a way to represent this relation in the diagram):


To parse the swagger json data, we will use the now famous NewtonSoft.Json library.

That needs us to add some attributes for the parse process to go right.

Example, in our root class iSvcDefinition:

The service domain names array should parsed, so we tell the library about its model name:

public iSvcDomain[] ServiceDomainNames { get; set; }


The class contains a property that should not be parsed… so, we tell the parser to ignore it:

public List<iSvcDomain> ServiceDomainNamesList
    get { return ServiceDomainNames == null ? null : ServiceDomainNames.ToList(); }

So far, so good… we have objects that correctly represent the swagger json model (complemented by some view model properties in this example!).

We still have a problem: resolving data type references!

Resolving json references

Data types of elements in our swagger json file are specified as references to the related data-type-definition. For example, a Response that returns a ‘Product’ object is serialized as:


"responses": {

"200": {

   "description": "An array of products",

   "schema": { "type": "array",

     "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Product" }




The full definition of the ‘Product’ data type is defined elsewhere, as:

"Product": {
"properties": {
   "product_id": {
     "type": "string",
     "description": "Unique identifier of the product."
   "description": {
     "type": "string",
     "description": "Description of product."
   "display_name": {
     "type": "string",
     "description": "Display name of product."
   "image": {
     "type": "string",
     "description": "Image URL representing the product."

So each item of ‘Product’ data type will tell the reference of that type (instead of duplicating definitions).

Resolving json references while parsing needs some craftingJ

In fact, the json parser does not resolve references automatically. That is part 1 of the problem. Part 2 is the fact that to find a referenced item, it should exists. That is: it should have already been parsed. Which requires the data type definitions to be at the beginning of the parsed file. A requirement that is, at least, not realistic.


As always, I searched the web for a sustainable solution. You will find many about this question, including “how to Ignore $ref”… which is the exactly the opposite of what we are looking for in this contextJ

The solution I finally used is:

  • Use the JObject (namespace Newtonsoft.Json.Linq) to navigate as need through the swagger json nodes
  • Start the parse process by:
    • Deserializing the swagger "definitions" node which contains the data types definitions
    • Store data types into a Dictionary: key = type id (its path), Value = the data type object
  • Use a custom resolver (a class which implements the IReferenceResolver (namespace Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization) to assign the related data type object each time its reference is encountered.


Here is the essential code-snippets for resolving references:

// define a dictionary of json JToken for data types
internal static IDictionary<string, JToken> JsonDico { get; set; }

// a dictionary of data types
IDictionary<string, iSvcTypeBase> _types = new Dictionary<string, iSvcTypeBase>();

// create a JObject of the file’s json string
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(jsonString);

// navigate to the definitions node
Var typesRoot = jo.Properties().Where( i => i.Name == "definitions").FirstOrDefault();

// store dictionary of type_path / type_token
if (typesRoot != null)
    JsonDico = typesRoot.Values().ToDictionary( i => { return i.Path; });



Now, we can build our data-type-dictionary using the JTokens:

foreach(var item in JsonDico)
   // deserialze the data type of the JToken
   iSvcTypeBase svcType = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<iSvcTypeBase>(item.Value.First.ToString());

   // add the data type to our dictionary (reformat the the item’s key)
  _types.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, iSvcTypeBase>("#/" + item.Key.Replace(".", "/"), svcType));



Our resolver can now return the referenced item to the parser when needed:

public object ResolveReference(object context, string reference)
    string                    id = reference;
    iSvcTypeBase      item;
    _types.TryGetValue(id, out item);
    return item;


Some screen captures:



You may download the binaries here.

Will post the code later (some cleanup requiredJ)