Taoffi's blog

prisonniers du temps

TFS thoughts – Task Closed on code check-in issue

The problem

You probably experienced this some time:

  • You have a task assigned to you
  • It is in active state
  • You check-in your code
  • The task is automatically marked as Closed


This workflow may seem OK in some context. However, judging by the number of complaints I read on many development sites, that behavior seems more of an annoyance than a comfort!

In my own view, a task should actually be intentionally closed as long as it has been assigned to a human being. Otherwise, if the task had been assigned to a robot, things may be considered differently!

In 2010, someone at Microsoft's TFS team mentioned:

… people have asked me how to modify the Scrum template such that a Task or Bug is marked as Done during a check-in. We left this out of the original state flow because we wanted the done state transition to be very intentional


The TFS team seem to have succumbed to the robotic behavior since!

The solution

In face of such issue, everyone finds a solution but few talk about it (so many other troubles out thereJ)

To solve this annoying behavior, some people propose to go through some acrobatic solutions in the registry and the like. Which is tedious and remains unsustainable in a professional development environment.

Rationally speaking, in its workflow, a Task transits between its different states. For instance: from 'Active' to 'In progress' to 'Closed'. These transitions can be automated by calling some method somewhere in the assemblies that run TFS. And that seems exactly what happens here.

To put this 'automation' OFF, let us look at the article referenced above, to see how the TFS team put this ON:

… Below is a snippet of the In Progress –> Done transition on the Task work item after applying the changes.


<TRANSITION from="In Progress" to="Done">


<ACTION value="Microsoft.VSTS.Actions.Checkin" />



<DEFAULTREASON value="Work finished" />




Yes, it is there… we can simply remove this to put this option OFF!

But… where to find this?

This is part of the 'process template' that compose the TFS meta-models which in turn define the structures, behaviors and processing workflows of TFS objects (among which lives the 'Task' work item).

Using Team foundation server 201X power tools (replace the X by you TFS version: 0, 2 or 3)

  • In Visual Studio, select Tools, Process Editor, WorkItem Types, Open WIT from server
  • Select the Task Work item


  • The Workflow tab displays the current processing workflow
  • Right click the Transition Active to Closed and select Open Details


  • On the details dialog, select the Actions Tab
  • Delete the Check-in action

  •  Save the work item type


Note: Of course, you can do this the hard way by downloading the process template files, and diving into XML… etc. … it is up to you… I personally prefer not J

TFS & SQL Server 2008R2 msxmlsql issues

I recently went through another new issue with TFS:

I had the TFS database and Data warehouse both installed on a SQL Server 2008 instance.

After installing a new SQL Server 2008R2 instance, TFS just stopped working complaining about database access.

It took me a while to re-discover that the source of annoyance was – again - the msxmlsql.dll and msxmlsql.rll files located at:

\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared


\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\Resources\1033



For some reason (seems useless to spend time searching J) the versions to use are with TFS are:

msxmlsql.dll (1,311,256 bytes); 07/10/2008; file version: 2007.100.1600.22

msxmlsql.rll (52 248 bytes); 07/10/2008


The files that caused my problem:

msxmlsql.dll (1 308 000 bytes bytes); 04/03/2010; file version: 2009.100.1600.1

msxmlsql.rll (48 992 bytes); 04/03/2010





Another TFS pause: moving your stuff

As I already said (I should not be the only one to sayJ): TFS is a precious tool for project management. The problem with TFS is the tedious processes to install and troubleshoot specific issues.

This has greatly been changed in TFS 2010 to become much less tedious (thanks to the TFS team and to Brian Harry for all the useful information) but IT IS, still, quite tedious!

For instance: One of the usual tasks we do from time in the real world is to move our stuff from somewhere to somewhere else!

Don't expect this to be as easy as you may think in TFSJ


The context

Let's say we have a whole TFS installation somewhere (configuration / collections databases… etc.) and we want (or need) to move everything to another machine.

At a first glance, that should be straightforward:

  • Install TFS (and SQL server) on the new machine;
  • Attach (or restore) TFS databases to the new machine;
  • Tell the new TFS where to find the databases;
  • Done!


Yes, it is a good path… but somewhat tortuous!


The recipe

On the new machine:

SQL configuration and settings

  • Install SQL Server (2008 or 2008R2). Note the following elementary observations:
    • During installation, you should select a CI AS (case insensitive / accent sensitive) collation (either Windows or SQL);
    • Prefer a 'default instance' installation
  • Attach (or restore) all TFS databases (configuration database, collections and datawarehouse databases.
  • Install latest SQL server updates and Service Packs.


TFS configuration and settings

  • Install TFS
  • DON'T click Configure at the end of the install process
  • Launch TFS admin console
    • Click Application Tier node
    • Click Configure Installed Features
    • Select the 'Application-Tier only' Wizard
    • Click List Available Databases.
      • This will display detected TFS configuration databases on the SQL server. If none is detected, then you have to go back to SQL configuration and see what is missing
    • Select the configuration database
    • Select the account service
    • Check and correct errors and warnings. You may need to go back to SQL configuration steps.
    • Click Configure


Problems encountered?

If you encounter problems (this is often the case with TFSJ), you may need to uninstall and restart the Application-Tier configuration:

  • Open a command prompt (Run As Administrator)
  • Go to TFS tools directory (%program files%\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Tools)
  • Uninstall the Application Tier: Type the following command:

tfsconfig setup /uninstall:ApplicationTier

  • Restart the above TFS configuration steps at Launch TFS admin console


Security configuration issues

Original SQL server configuration, TFS and various service accounts may not match the new machine's configuration. This may generate some errors that can be corrected using SQL server management studio and, in case, TF admin console (Administer security option). It is sometimes necessary to go through TFSSecurity command line utility.


Please note: all this should be considered as "useful hints" to solve TFS migration from machine to machine. You should be armed with patience and try find other simple and reliable paths for your specific problems.

Anyway, Hope this may help!

A dive into the undocumented TFS meta-model – Part II


In a previous post, I started exploring the TFS configuration database. Let's continue here by having a look at some more configuration objects and relationships.

TFS Config security objects


Referenced table

Primary column


Foreign column






























type_id (int)


type (tinyint)

The relationship diagram above suggests that we can query user logins, group-membership for specific projects by a query like the following:

    login.display_name  AS user_name,
    proj.scope_name     AS project,
    login_grp.display_name AS user_group

FROM dbo.tbl_security_membership_cache AS membership INNER JOIN
  dbo.tbl_security_identity_cache AS
login ON membership.member_id = login.tf_id INNER JOIN
  dbo.tbl_security_projects AS proj INNER JOIN
     dbo.tbl_security_domain AS domain INNER JOIN
       dbo.tbl_security_domain_groups AS grp ON domain.domain_number = grp.domain_number
       ON proj.domain_number = domain.domain_number
membership.container_id = grp.group_id INNER JOIN
  dbo.tbl_security_identity_cache AS
login_grp ON grp.group_id = login_grp.tf_id

BY user_name, project


The above query may give us results similar to the following





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